**Flop** Butterfly Satyr - Medium, 6" - Soft Firmness

Darker Horse Toys

Regular price $45.00

The Satyr brings everything a lustful woodland reveler has to offer. It's hairy. It's uncut. It's jolly. It's big enough for those with exotic tastes in size. With a thick ring at the base of its shaft, the Satyr is a bacchanalian ride.


Materials: Skin-safe platinum cure silicone, pigments

Approximate dimensions and technical:

Length: 6.3 in 16 cm
Usable Length: 4.75 in 12 cm
Thickest Circumference: 7.5 in 19 cm
 Base Diameter: 2.3x3.5 in 6x9 cm

Shore Firmness: 00-30

Disclosures: This model has a small pink inclusion embedded in the base (pictured). It should not affect cleaning or use, but has been priced down for the defect.


By purchasing this toy, you agree that you are 18+ years of age, have read this product's description, and understand our policies and proper toy care.

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